Test map

It’s time to try out the main game mechanic, which is flying through a race track following checkpoints/rings. It’s important to know how does the flying feel, if it’s intuitive enough or would benefit from some change. The same goes with the visuals of the rings, maybe they’re too “flat” and poorly visible in the space, or too big, too small, whatever. Any feedback counts, so don’t hesitate.


I recommend playing with a gamepad, but it should be equally playable with mouse and keyboard

Ground controls

Main movement - WASD/Arrow keys or Left joystick
Camera movement - Mouse or Right joystick

Flight controls

Fly - Left and Right mouse buttons or Left and Right trigger (both at the same time)
Glide - No mouse buttons or Triggers
Steering - Left or Right mouse button or joystick (you can steer while gliding, always rotating to the opposite side than the Button/Trigger you’re holding)
Dive - Q or Left/Right shoulder button

UI and Menu controls

Pause menu - ESC or Special Right key
LeaderBoard - Tab or Special Left key

P.S. I think it will need a lot of work.


Test_0_5.zip 687 MB
36 days ago

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